An Intro to Model Railroading with Arduino
Why N?
Materials Sources
Arduino on Amazon
General Materials & Parts
Hobby Stores Online
The N Scaler’s Q&D
An Introduction to Arduino & Addressable RGB LEDs
Ethernet Shields, Addresses & EEPROM
Multiple Turnouts and Other Multitasking
Turnout Control with Arduino & Servos
The N Scaler
21st Century Model Railroading in N Scale
An Intro to Model Railroading with Arduino
Why N?
Materials Sources
Arduino on Amazon
General Materials & Parts
Hobby Stores Online
The N Scaler’s Q&D
An Introduction to Arduino & Addressable RGB LEDs
Ethernet Shields, Addresses & EEPROM
Multiple Turnouts and Other Multitasking
Turnout Control with Arduino & Servos
Power Management
Basic Layout Control Nodes
L&NC Update; Running Lots of Turnouts
Wiring the L&NC — Adding Servos
Wiring Module 1 of L&NC
Chasing Electronic Gremlins